I feel a crumble coming on - recipe to follow! I have been blackberrying again and found the most amazing berries I have ever seen. Tilly and I walked a different path today and found ourselves alongside the East Coast train line. I had a Railway Children moment when the express train from London belted past at a hundred miles an hour. I was tempted to wave to the passengers heading for Edinburgh. The train also brought to mind that wonderful poem by Robert Louis Stevenson 'From a Railway Carriage' 'Faster than fairies, faster than witches Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches And charging along like troops in a battle All through the meadows the horses and cattle All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain And ever again, in the wink of an eye Painted stations whistle by.' Here's the second verse written out in my mother's childish hand. It was copied into her elocution book some time in the mid...
Welcome to the running wave, which I set up as a vehicle for my photographs, with some observational chat and occasionally a little writing. I hope you enjoy the things I enjoy, sharing my walks with Tilly and Ted, and other excursions I have from time to time.