The holly and the ivy When they are both full grown A beautiful Christmas carol, celebrating the holly and the ivy in equal measure, and then what happens? The ivy gets forgotten and the holly goes on to celebrate all aspects of the reason for Christmas, and poor old ivy is left trailing behind. I love ivy, Hedera . I love the variety in its leaves, the way it climbs trees (acknowledging that it can strangle them, not good), and most of all I love the way it trails and hangs from trees like tropical vines. It covers the ground in an impenetrable carpet and its flowers provide nectar for bees when almost every other flower has finished for the season. The berries are mysterious and handsome, and a good food source for the birds in winter. So, taking all that into account, I thought I would celebrate ivy in my vase today. I found some little pink blossoms to compliment the purple-black berries, and santolina to give a bit of contrast. ...
Welcome to the running wave, which I set up as a vehicle for my photographs, with some observational chat and occasionally a little writing. I hope you enjoy the things I enjoy, sharing my walks with Tilly and Ted, and other excursions I have from time to time.