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First day of Spring!

1st March, the first day of Spring.  Really?  

Day Two of the Siberian beast from the east, and we have had a lot more snow overnight.  My walk with the dogs this morning was short, but epic!  Loose powdery snow blew across the golf course and Ted wasn't really sure he liked it that much, but nothing was going to stop Tilly from rooting around to find bits to eat!  I don't know what the wind chill factor was but I felt as though I was walking to the North Pole.  It was bitter, and my forehead was numb by the time I got home!
This beautiful thrush has been waiting patiently to get to the tray of bird seed in the garden.  Very British - understands queuing!


  1. Crickey that looks cold! Brrrrr! X

    1. Flipping cold! Today is no better. They've lifted the red alert warning and downgraded it to amber, but still the weather keeps on coming! The sky is dark and iron grey looking north to Fife, and the path from the front door to the garden door needs clearing - again! I am rather hoping that the gods are planning on swapping this winter for a thumping good summer. We are more than due one of those! A xx

  2. I hope you get a decent Summer! It would be lovely for you all to be warm!
    We are still hot here! Went out to a lovely Creators Craft Market today at a vineyard... beautiful produce and fun lunch with Colette!
    Love to all xx

  3. I absolutely LOVE your photos of the Thrush - such beautiful markings. Here in east Cornwall temperatures have risen by several degrees, we have had 24 hours of steady rain resulting in the disappearance of nearly all the snow.
    I heartily second your wish for a lovely Summer - it will be so good to wake up to sunshine and be able to enjoy it all day.

    1. Oh those summer days seem so far away! Just a gleam of sunshine would do at the moment. Every day is cold, grey, windy, and today, wet and soggy. Really rather tired of this long winter now. I hope you get some sunny days soon, and I hope we do too!!!


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