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A sumptuous vase on Monday

My daughter is getting married this summer and, well ahead of the event, she has been with her girlfriends this weekend, having fun!  A hen weekend?  Well, sort of!

To kick things off, I went with her to a lovely event held in the pretty East Lothian village of Stenton.  East Lothian Flower Farm joined forces with florist, Ode de Flora, to hold a floristry demonstration and then we had the opportunity to make up our own vase, using a gorgeous array of flowers grown locally on the flower farm - tulips, ranunculus, anemones, clematis montana and deliciously fragrant narcissus.  It was a really delightful evening, with bubbles of course, and we enjoyed every minute.

Here is my vase from Friday evening.


  1. What a great activity to do with your daughter. Oh there is going to lots of excitement in your household this year....Have a lovely week.

    1. Never a dull moment in our household! It will be a lovely event and great to have such a happy time to look forward to! I hope you have a good week too. The sun has just come out here, so that's an excellent start! A

  2. Amanda, what an exciting time for you and a fun event to share with your daughter. Your arrangement is gorgeous. The tulips are amazing and oh, the color of the ranunculus is striking. Have a great week!

  3. Thank you Susie! The ranunculus were really wonderful. A rose pink, white, dark red and that very dark purple one in my arrangement! All the flowers were sumptuous and it was a very happy evening! A

  4. What a lovely idea for a hen night - much better than many of those we hear about! What delightful results and I am so pleased you shared them with us

  5. Such a beautiful spring bouquet! I love the white anemones with the pinkish tint. It's too cold for them here. Congratulations to your daughter! :)

  6. Thank you. Yes, the anemones were really lovely, very delicate and pretty! It was a really evening. A

  7. What a stunning arrangement - the blooms are simply gorgeous. The sprigs of clematis are a lovely addition to the so pretty flowers. The event must have been great fun too.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! It was such a fun evening! We all really enjoyed it and it was great to learn more about the flower farm too! Can't wait for their open day in the summer. A

    2. Beautiful ! I follow many of the local flowers farmers and designers on Instagram and would love to attend an event like this here in northern California . Hoping therer will be one nearby someday.

    3. You never know! What a lovely way to spend your working day, in amongst all these lovely blooms! I would hope that would compensate for all the hard work that goes to producing them!! A

  8. That sounds like tremendous fun, Amanda - I'd love to have tulips, anemones and lots of fillers to play with. Your bouquet is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Kris. It was a really lovely evening and my daughter loved every minute. A very dear friend of hers came up from London to join us, which made it even more special. Great fun! And those gorgeous flowers were the icing on the cake! A

  9. Lovely, lovely vase Amanda. Sounds like such a fun thing to do with a group of friends.

    1. Thank you Cindy. Yes, it is certainly something we would all love to do again! No vase of flowers is ever going to be the same, so next time round a workshop like that is going to be completely different but definitely great fun! A

  10. Gorgeous flowers! Can't think of a better way to spend a girls' weekend! :)

    1. Well it certainly got the weekend off to a great start! A

  11. Oh, this is the epitome of spring in a vase. I love it when tulips are fully open! Just glorious! Thank you for sharing with us!

    1. Tulips are lovely aren't they, particularly the parrot tulips! I love them and I think the pink/green colour combination is my favourite. A

  12. Sounds like a fun day and a great vase. xxx


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