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A vase on Monday with found flowers

During a walk yesterday I came across a small forest of greater periwinkle, Vinca major.  Assuming it is a garden escapee, I have no idea how it got there because it was a very long way from any garden! Anyway, with its gorgeous colour and handsome glossy leaves, it had to be a contender for today's vase!  Working on the basis that presenting flowers, food, etc always works better in threes, I looked for two more things to add to my vase.  I found a fine stemmed pale yellow broom, which is just coming into flower, and the rather lovely grey-green sallow catkin.

We have had the salt glazed pottery bottle/vase for ages and I can't quite remember where we bought it!  Possibly from a potter in Dorset, about thirty years ago!
The stems of broom in my vase come from a plant with a rather different habit from the more common broom, which has a golden-yellow flower.  This plant has a smaller flower, softer in colour and the stems swirl and whirl around.  I have picked it before to use in Christmas arrangements, sprayed silver.  It is very decorative, even when not in flower.  I have searched online to see if I can find a specific variety name, but no luck!
The soft yellow bush sitting in the early morning sunlight, in the photo below, is where the stems in my vase came from.
 And here is the sallow, in situ.
I am a lifelong lover of wild flowers so I am posting another piece alongside this one today, in the hope that readers of IAVOM will nip over to my other post, have a read, and TAKE ACTION!  If you love wild flowers and our countryside too, you will!


  1. The vase gives a perfect solid base for the arrangement - delightful.

  2. You did a wonderful job assembling your wildflowers. I expect it makes you smile every time you look at it.

    1. Thanks Kris! I love my garden flowers but I love wild flowers more! Have a good week. A


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