As we lurch towards June, the sun may be hot but we have had very strong winds in the past week, which have played havoc with the lilac and hawthorn blossom outside the garden, also the air is cold. In addition, we have had a lot of rain over the past few days, so everything has taken a bit of a bashing! However, there are still some pretty things going on in the flowerbed, the bumblebees are buzzing very happily on the flowers of the little rowan tree and the life of the garden is moving forward!
And the outer garden -
The plant below is a self-seeded teasel. To be honest, with its prickly leaf spine, it looks more like something I have seen in the botanical gardens in Melbourne! Going up the plant, there is a series of small swimming pools, where last night's rain has gathered where the leaves join the stem!
In my garden notes post of 22 March ( I speculated on what a rosette of leaves might grow up to be. I thought it was wild mignonette Reseda lutea, and now it is in flower I can see that it is. A lovely, understated little plant. Its seed must have been dropped by a passing bird because I haven't seen any other plants growing near here.
In my garden notes post of 22 March ( I speculated on what a rosette of leaves might grow up to be. I thought it was wild mignonette Reseda lutea, and now it is in flower I can see that it is. A lovely, understated little plant. Its seed must have been dropped by a passing bird because I haven't seen any other plants growing near here.
The Aldi alliums have finally started to flower. I planted them in the long grass, with cow parsley nearby and apart from not planting enough, I think that once they are all out, they will look rather lovely!
Whoohooo! Baby plums!